Ruzu Bitters has been tested and approved by NAFDAC as safe for consumption. It is made up of 3 main herbs namely:
· Uvaria Chamae
· Curculigo Pilosa
· Colocynthis Citrullus
These 3 main herbs alongside other constituents have been combined in a way that delivers the best value to the human body. Unlike orthodox medicine where a drug has one, two or three pure chemical ingredient and is therefore subjected to certain testing to understand its Pharmacokinetics (what the body does to the drugs i.e. absorption, distribution, elimination, etc.) and Pharmacodynamics (what the drug does to the body i.e. drug interaction with cellular receptors, enzymes, etc.), a crude medicinal plant preparation is not subject to this as each herb contains up to 40 different chemical compounds each belonging to different phytochemical groups.
What is done in medicinal plant research is to assess biosafety in what is called toxicity studies. Acute, sub – acute, chronic etc. toxicity studies are carried out. Plant preparations are given to subjects and full blood parameters (AST, ALT, ALP, Urea, creatinine, PCV, WBC etc) are assayed for. These parameters including an assay for oxidative stress parameters are analysed.
All these tests have been conducted on Ruzu Bitters and the results are tremendous in favour of Ruzu. Preliminary experiments carried out on Ruzu do not only affirm its claims but also show that it is very safe for consumption as approved by NAFDAC. Further research is ongoing to find out how many more boundaries we can push with Ruzu.
Don’t waste time, ORDER NOW for yourself and your loved ones today. You will be glad you did.