Let me reveal to you how I use to take a dose of Ruzu Herbal Bitters without experiencing too much of the bitter taste. This is, but a very simple process. I will, however, like to make a review of the product before I give this clue.
Ruzu Herbal Bitters is one of the numerous products marketed by Avenues to Wealth, A2W, a Multi-level network marketing organization headed by the MD, Adeolu Akinyemi.
Ruzu Herbal Bitters is a natural liquid product processed from the root, stem and bark of wild fruits including wild orange among others. It is bottled in a 200ml and 500ml bottles respectively and used to treat most ailments that have defied medical solutions. This product is not just another supplement, it is curative and the effects can be seen in under 24 hours. It is indeed nature’s pure miracle.
Some of the major ailments known to have been arrested by this product include chronic hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, asthma among other incidental ailments. It is known to have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-virus properties hence, it deals with a wild range of ailments beyond the established cases so far.
Now, to the main discussion, sweet things often times result to bitter experiences and it takes this ‘Bitters’ to take care of the bitter experiences. The product may be bitter to the mouth but very sweet to the body.
However, I discovered that a dose of the herbal product ‘thrown’ to the back of the tongue, last thing before hitting the bed will ultimately carry out it’s work while I’m busy enjoying my sleep, leaving no bitter taste in my mouth. When I wake up as early as 4-5am, I rinse my mouth, take half a glass of water to lubricate the digestive system and proceed to take a dose of the Bitters. As usual, I will target the back of the tongue and thereafter proceed to brush with a nice toothpaste, thereby eliminating any bitter taste. This, to me, is the best way to enjoy the sweet experience from the ‘Bitters’. Would you like to tell us your own experience?
please contact me on 07037847047 or use contact page
You can get both 200 ml and 500ml on our store here or here, at a good discount trust me
Mainwhile, Ruzu Bitter is now in capsule form for those that really don’t want any bitterness at all and the same potency, check it here